According to the traditions of previous years, Rolex 1 September. In the evening, new products will released for that year. However, she suddenly resumed at 06.00 Beijing time instead of playing cards as usual. In addition to the release time, everyone was most surprised that this year, Submariner, the water ghost series, has been completely renewed!

The American replica Rolex watches media Hodinkee has created a collection of realistic comparative images. You can see three prominent differences between the fresh and the old model.

First, the size of the new water haunted house has increased from the original 40 mm to 41 mm, which is in line with the current trend of large bells on the market. But do not worry, the size of 1 mm does not change much.

Second, the width of the loops becomes narrower, with apparent changes visible to the naked eye. The old 11-series Water Ghost released in 2010. And it changed to Maxi loops. Although the case size is still 40 mm, the watch looks more extensive due to the wide curls.

This year, the board’s diameter increased, and the traditional thin loops returned, so visually, the total size of the two is not much different.

Third, the new model has a 32-series self-propelled mechanical movement, launched by Rolex in 2015, with a 70-hour power reserve. Thanks to the tight Rolex bottom, to highlight the difference, Rolex will now add a small crown logo on the dial at 6 am in the middle of the new SWISS moved.

All golden water ghosts, the appearance has changed little + the official price is more than 280,000 + the number of buyers is small, and I assume that the secondary market changes little. A new recognizable new ghost of water in a blue-black circle, the result is 18 thousand. White gold box, the public price is 310,000 yuan. Rich local tyrants chased friends, but it lacks a mass base, it does not feel so famous.

The Jin-black, Jin-blue, Ligue, and Wuligui motion upgrades are extremely attractive to ordinary consumers. While it is a premium in the secondary market, there is still a large group of people who want to buy it.

Also, people who buy Rolex generally divided into regular consumers and older cousins. Most ordinary consumers who were willing to pay a premium for these four watches were everyday consumers. When Rolex replaced, this group of regular consumers will buy new, not old. Older fake Rolex submariner lovers have long since bought old versions of these four watches and will not accept them for an additional fee. So personally speculate that the old versions of these four watches will give a wave in the aftermarket.

Best fake Rolex new green water ghost Ref.126610LV has noticeable changes, black plate, and green circle design. First of all, I feel that the previous green generation No.116610LV disc and the green circle do not look so good, and the whole green color becomes a swan song; second, the new 126610LV replicates the previous generation of Ref.

Therefore, personally, the replica Rolex submariner watches green water ghost can be the only big winner of this year’s Rolex upgrade. Secondary market prices for new, old, old, and old models have risen.

In fact, in addition to updating the water ghost series, this year’s more notable flagship Oyster Perpetual is at an introductory level, which can be purchased at a low price and stored for a long time.