Many Roles antique watches are full of historical tastes and human values ​​and have always been a destination that many people want to collect. After a rain of years and the baptism of time, we seem to understand the years of those years through the ancient clock. I was recently impressed with an old Rolex watch. Rolex Ref.3525, known as the “Prisoners of the Century,” was born during World War II and in 1943 set a date for “fleeing victory.” So I can’t help but feel a little passion for it. What war stories has this Rolex Ref.3525 experienced?

During World War II, Royal Air Force pilots were captured and sent to concentration camps. All their replica Rolex confiscated. On May 28, 1940, a British hostage named Clive Nadine was arrested and detained in a third concentration camp (Hollywood filmed the third concentration camp after the war for the movie “The Great Escape”), and the same Rolls-Royce was released. I’ve worn it before. During World War II, he imprisoned and a prisoner of war.

Hans Wilsdorf, the founder of Rolex, listened to prisoners of war’s confiscated watches and expressed his willingness to contribute to the action by providing hours to officers and soldiers in prison camps. No need to pay until the end of the war. At the time, however, it was perilous to supply watches to these British prisoners of war. But Rolls has his ideas about it. They also want to test their watches in some unique environments.

For this reason, British officers imprisoned in the war camps of Hans Wilsdorf ordered a wristwatch. On March 10, 1943, Clive Nadine ordered this Oyster Chronograph Ref.3525 from Rolex. After Rolls received the order, the person in charge thought that the watch could not delivered to the customer on time, not only because of the war but also because many officers had already ordered it.

Three months later, Clive Nadine finally received a pre-ordered Rolex Ref.3525 Oyster Chronograph with an attached confirmation. The confirmation is in the hands of Hans Rolex, the founder of Rolex: “Watches currently sold in Switzerland for 250 francs, but you do not have to pay for them during the war.”

Clive ordered Nadine to make his watch his monument. He is preparing for a great escape. Proper timing of the recording is critical to him because he needs this watch to calculate the guard. The time and time that passes through the escape tunnel. Unfortunately, he eventually found by prison guards, and the escape tunnel was closed during the escape. Exhaustion failed.

Clive Nadine released from prison after World War II. However, he still lacked Rolls in his hand, so when he returned to the UK, he wrote a letter to Rolles stating that he wanted to pay for the watch’s purchase and return it on bail. In the end, Clive Nadine did not forget to praise this role: “He behaves strongly even in a frigid environment.”

In the third year after the war, in 1948, Clive Nadine received £ 15, £ 12, and £ 6, the last price he paid for the watch. Before his death, Easter kept a record of his time, which was very important to him. It is a dream for him and a fearless resistance to war.

This rare best replica rolex Ref.3525 timeline has a diameter of 35 mm and a speed and distance measurement function. The layout of the phone is brilliant, and the phones correctly arranged. Once the indicator is full of radiation, the night quickly read—the Ref.

Every ancient Rolex watch has its own story. This rolex oyster perpetual date replica Ref.3525 Chronograph is a heroic fight, and the resistance is still worth remembering.